We are pleased to share the stories of past and current students. Here they share their reasons for studying English, their experiences and their hopes for applying all they have learned.
Father Manuel de la Cruz (Mexico)
I spent four and half months at the Language School and I learned so much. I learned how to express my English better, how to structure sentences in a different way – in an academic context. I can say I improved my speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. I learned how to argue, debate and discuss differing viewpoints and opinions with my classmates. I wrote research papers.
Also, I enjoyed many happy moments with my partners in common room. The common room was a beautiful space for sharing experiences and community life. This year I am taking an intensive course to become aspirants’ director in the next semester and every Sunday afternoon I teach Basic English to ten postulants and I enjoy myself.

Dr Paulus Jasmin (Indonesia)
Fr Jasmin came to Australia from West Kalimantan, Indonesia to commence his English language studies at ELSPM on 26 January 2016. After completing appointments as Assistant Parish Priest and Parish Priest and graduating with a PhD in Anthropology, Jasmin was posted to a Formation Centre in Vietnam.
He was thrilled to be invited to study English at ELSPM; he felt that by improving his English, he would be better able to spread the Passionist ethos within his congregation. His first three weeks have already fulfilled Jasmin’s expectations. He has learned the importance of grammar in the gospel context; he has improved and applied his skills in analysis. Now that I am in Melbourne, he said, I am reading and comprehending English much better but, most of all, I am most grateful for the opportunity to practise and explore my thinking in a supportive and understanding group – my community of practice.
What Jasmin most wants to do is to develop his ability to prepare better presentations, to improve his understanding and capability in conversational English and hone his writing skills…all to benefit his ministry in Vietnam. Jasmin wants to speak English well and be understood.

Kim Kyunghwa (South Korea)
I was a student at ELSPM before. I was studying for EAP course there. During my time at ELSPM, I have met excellent teachers and many beautiful friends there. Now I am studying theology at the university where I wanted to study. More thankfully, Fr Kevin helps me continuously. He organised a teacher Lindsay for me in order to support my English writing. Lindsay corrects my essay writings and always encourages me very much. I am really lucky person. Thank you Fr Kevin and Lindsay!

Fr Priscus Massawe (Tanzania)
Priscus came to study English so that he could build his language confidence to be better able to manage major projects in education and development when he returns to Tanzania. He will also be teaching in English and knows that it is important that he has clear, understandable English.
While Priscus had studied in Europe, he finds the Australian experience a little different. He is particularly enjoying the multi-cultural community in which he lives, something he hasn’t experienced before, it has allowed him the opportunity to be open to other cultures, nations and people in a caring and nurturing environment.
At the conclusion of his studies in 2016 Priscus gave the student’s address of thanks during the Graduation ceremony.
Now we can express ourselves in English, we can write essay, proposals, and letters in good English. We can listen to others and to mass media and understand. We can read different articles, journals, books and make meaning of what we read. We all feel so blessed to have been part of ELSPM during this year. Out teachers have shown us such love and care. May God bless you all.
God calls us to be His messengers. We are called for Pastoral ministry as the name of our school expresses. The knowledge of English is a tool we have achieved here which will help us to proclaim the message of the Gospel better. This tool will be used beyond the twelve nationalities now present at school. Many of us belong to Missionary Congregations and so we are privileged to minister in many nations, and now we can add English speaking countries to the places where we can be sent.
Priscus has continued his studies in Australia in 2017 confident in his English and grateful for the academic skills he has learnt.

Kim Ju Chan SJ (South Korea)
It was really wonderful experience for me to study English in ELSPM. I enjoyed the topics which were specifically in the fields of theology and apostolic ministry. I improved my English within a short period of time and formed solid friendship with the teachers, students, and volunteers in the ELSPM community.

Nguyen thi Lan rndm (Vietnam)
I enjoy learning English because I feel all the teachers are devoted and creative both in classroom and other activities. I have been supported and accompanied by teachers, volunteers and friends who encourage me express my thoughts and ideas. All of us come from different cultures, languages and nationalities but I know that we are here to study not only English but to also celebrate the diversity between us.

Sr Sarita SSPS
ELSPM is a gift to our Congregation. We were excited that a Religious Order would start a Language Centre for our sisters to learn English. ELSPM has helped our sisters spiritually and emotionally, enabling them to express their faith journey in the English language.

Timoteus Tapoona CSsR
What I’ve enjoyed the most at ELSPM is sharing knowledge, faith, and culture with others. I thank all of you who have touched my life with your kindness, thoughtfulness, friendship and prayers.